Wichita Traffic Violation Attorneys
Defending Against Traffic Violations in Kansas
When faced with a traffic violation, you should consider that the repercussions will likely go beyond merely paying a fine. Your auto insurance premiums will likely be increased and you may be at risk of a license suspension, depending on the severity or number of violations on your record.
At Hulnick, Stang, Gering & Leavitt, our legal team is here to help you stand up for your rights and see that you have your day in court.
Connect with our Wichita traffic lawyers to schedule your free case consultation at (316) 665-7227. You can also contact Hulnick, Stang, Gering & Leavitt online.
Types of Traffic Violations in Kansas
As Wichita traffic violation defense lawyers, we are well-versed in the complicated laws that govern driving in Sedgwick County and across South Central Kansas. We can review your situation, advise you on the merits of your case, fully investigate the situation, and represent you in court with a defense strategy that you would likely be unable to present on your own.
Traffic laws vary by state but most have similar restrictions on certain types of driver behavior. In Kansas, traffic violations can range from moving violations that are considered infractions to more serious offenses that may be charged as misdemeanors.
Under Kansas law, you can be pulled over and cited for the following:
- Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
- Driving without a license or with a suspended license
- Driving without insurance
- Driving without a registration or with an expired registration
- Speeding
- Running a red light or rolling through a stop sign
- Making an illegal U-turn
- Hit and run/leaving the scene of an accident
- Reckless driving
- Failure to wear a seat belt or use a child restraint system
- Other moving violations
What are the Consequences for Too Many Traffic Violations in Kansas?
Unlike other states, Kansas does not operate on a points system where points are added to your driving record when you violate traffic laws. Instead,if you accumulate too many moving violations within the requisite time period, your driving privileges could be suspended.
You may also face a license suspension if:
- you refuse to submit to chemical testing when stopped for a suspected DUI,
- fail to report for a traffic court date,
- fail to provide continuous liability insurance,
- or drive with an open container of alcohol.
What Speed is Considered Reckless Driving in Kansas?
Driving more than 20 or 25 miles per hour over the speed limit could result in a reckless driving charge.
Contact Our Traffic Violation Lawyer in Witchita Today
We urge you to contact us right away if you wish to fight your traffic violation in court. Let us fight to protect your driving privileges. Our firm has achieved a track record of capable legal representation.
Contact a Wichita traffic violations defense lawyer online or at (316) 665-7227.