Inpatient Treatment
Trust an Established Firm with a Proven Track Record
Inpatient Treatment
Below is a listing of Licensed Inpatient Addiction Treatment programs in Wichita, Kansas metro area.
Miracles House (Female only)
1250 N. Market
Wichita, KS
(316) 264-5900
Mirror, Inc.
1309 N Duncan
Newton, KS
(316) 283-7829
Options (Male only)
122 N Millwood
Wichita, KS
(316) 265-6011
Website: http://www.dccca.org/Addiction%20Treatment%20Pgs/options_adult.html/
Valley Hope
901 W Douglas
Wichita, KS 67213
For more information on inpatient treatment in Wichita, KS, call us today!